Celebrating Matariki

We would like to thank Mrs Nikki Vaai for her work and guidance around the teaching and celebration of Matariki at Reremoana this year, and for organising an amazing exhibition to celebrate Matariki.
Nikki writes:

Matariki is a special occasion in the Aotearoa calendar, traditionally Māori used the rising of Matariki as a marker to celebrate the New Year. There are 9 stars in the Matariki cluster, each representing different aspects in Te Ao Māori. Matariki is the star connected to health and wellbeing and is also the Mother to the other stars in the cluster. Pōhutakawa is connected to those who have passed on, in
particular those that have passed since the last rising of Matariki. Tupuānuku is connected to food grown in the ground (eg kumara etc). Tupuārangi is connected to food from the sky (eg birds etc), Waitī is connected to fresh water food (eg tuna etc). Waitā is connected to salt water food (eg fish etc). Waipunarangi is connected to rain. Ururangi is connected to winds and Hiwa-i-te rangi is connected to your dreams and desires for the year ahead.

Traditionally Māori would celebrate and welcome the New Year with a ceremony called Whāngai i te Hautapu. This is where they would perform karakia and cook kai from our environment as an offering to the stars. After the formal ceremony Māori would gather to feast, relax, play games and plan and prepare for the coming year.

Today Aotearoa celebrates in various ways. Some celebrate with the formal ceremonies, some celebrate by sharing kai with their whānau, some attend workshops or exhibits and others might celebrate by learning about Matariki with their friends or classmates. Everyone can join in, it is a time to be with whānau, remember loved ones and celebrate the present, whilst looking to the future.

The Purpose of our Matariki Celebration Day
Matariki is a time to embrace Te Ao Māori around the motu, in our homes and of course at school! Our Reremoana Matariki Exhibition provided a gateway for our students into the learning and understanding of mātauranga Māori and tikanga Māori. It was a time for our kaiako and ākonga have fun, learn and work together. A time where we created an opportunity for our Māori community to come together to share their knowledge, culture, stories and language.
Mānawatia a Matariki!

In this video and these photos, we  share and celebrate the learning done in teams around Matariki, with a particular focus on the content of the displays made for our exhibition.


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